I never thought I could foster; But then I did!
I never thought I could foster. I would never be able to let any of them go to a new home. My heart was just too tender. I could not take the heartbreak when they found a new home. It was something for other people to do. I just loved dogs too much to let any of them go.
A few days later, a very special person at ACT, was walking with me as we passed the dogs. We both glanced over at them sitting in their rooms. She said to me, “fostering was something that I couldn’t, NOT, do. I was not only saving the life of the dog that I fostered, but I was making room to bring in another dog to take its place at ACT.”
Yes, I have cried. I have cried when they went to their new homes. We do grow to love them like they are our own. We cry out of sadness and we cry out of joy. Joy because we have helped prepare this dog for life and their transition into a forever family. We have helped complete a family, and that is rewarding.
It is not always easy. In fact, many times it is difficult to see the dogs in the poor shape when they come to us. My heart is especially drawn to the “matted messes” and the broken dogs. When I see one that is so matted that you can’t tell what they are, my heart just can’t wait to love on them. The ones that need extra love and time on your lap. Those are the most gratifying.
When I watch a dog that I am fostering, playing and loving life and I think of how scared and broken they were when they came to me….. I know that as hard as it is to let them go, it has to be the most gratifying, fulfilling thing that I have ever done.
Although reluctant about what this process might entail, I decided to just take one home and try it…. I did fall in love with the adorable dog that I brought home that day. But, she found a really wonderful home and I got to choose it. I was hooked and could not wait to bring another one home.
Poppy (adopted)
Tiny Hero (adopted)