You Are The Key To Success - Wallflowers
Do you ever feel uncomfortable or awkward in new social situations? I sure do. Imagine standing before a judge who can issue a life or death verdict based upon your demeanor. If you shake hands too hard could that be interpreted as aggression? If you don’t reach out to shake hands surely you are timid. We can’t even fathom the possibility of losing our lives based upon our personality but this is the real life and death struggle of shelter dogs. We call these dogs Wallflowers.
Shy animals are one of the most challenging demographics for shelters to find homes for. We all love to feel an instant connection but for the introverted dog or cat that is a lot to ask for. They get passed over time and time again for wiggly waggly roommate. How do we overcome that? We want to help more of these wallflowers but if we can’t find homes for them what is the solution?
We know through experience that our introverted furry friends can thrive in a home. Given a little time to feel safe, given a little time to fall in love, given a little time to be loved, they shine. Time is the key ingredient. Time is what we can give them. Time is what you can give them.
What they need:
Volunteers - You can make such a difference by volunteering. Giving some extra “hands on” attention to the animals is so important. Take them for a walk, take them for a drive, sit in the library and love on them. One of our most special volunteers, Cindy, comes out several times a week and sits in the yard with many of our most introverted friends. They all love her as do we.
Adopers - They need you to give them a chance. We have found that those dogs who are most shy with humans tend to thrive with other dogs. They can learn through your pets how to love and be loved. Ask us about our extended sleepover program for our introverted furry friends.
Foster Homes - Only when these animals get into a home can we really see their personalities emerge. Sometimes it only takes a few hours or a few days to see them blossom. You become their voice, their advocate, their hero.
Wallflower Warriors - this is a group at Animal Compassion Team that gets together and just loves on dogs every Wednesday evening at 6pm. Sounds like a tough job right? There have been many graduates of this program that are adopted and living their happily ever after. We would love for you to join us. Contact to learn more.
Please join our lifesaving team today. We can save them all.
Wallflower Warriors are a special group of friends coming together to encourage and love our more timid dogs. We would love for you to join us. Wednesday evenings at 6pm. Contact for more information.