Get Involved
Become a Foster Family
Fosters are often the difference between life and death for many animals in shelters. Opening your home allows us to widen our safety net and help more animals in need.
Volunteer opportunities
ACT is always in need of dedicated motivated volunteers who have a heart for helping the valley's animals! No matter what your talent we have a program for you.
Make a Donation
Help us provide the care each pet needs while waiting for their new family to come along. Your donation allows us to provide care and enrichment while the pet is a resident her at ACT.
Our Impact
When ACT was founded it was with the idea that we could bring change to the Central Valley of California. We have worked tirelessly to help as many animals as possible though adoption, assistance of pet owners, partnering with local animal control agencies to help find safe placement for pets, and though community example and education.
Years Serving Our COMMUNITY
ACT was founded in 2009, with a we can do it, attitude. This stands true today. Our commitment to the animals has only grown stronger. We will never stop helping the animals that need us most.
Thousand animals Impacted
Through adoption and owner assistance we have helped many animals stay in their loving homes or find new arms to land in. We believe every pet deserves a home of their own.
Thousand animals have hope
Because of our courage ACT was able to form Fresno Humane Animal Services and provide Fresno County with a new progressive animal services.
Our Programs
Do you love animals and want to help them? If the answer is yes than we have a program for you! We are always growing and looking for more and more ways to help the animals. If you’ve always wanted to open your home as a foster, get some extra excersize by walking dogs, learn how to run a lifesaving playgroup or help us care for the wonderful animals that need us the most. Your help allows us to save even more animals in need.
Foster Care
Providing a temporary home for dogs, cats, puppies or kittens is a critical role in saving the many animals that need our help. Puppies and kittens need tender loving care while growing and kept safe until they are ready to find a forever home.
Wallflower Group
Shy dogs are often just a little insecure but the sweetest little things under all that fear. It’s a big scary world and our Wallflower Group meets every Wednesday evening to socialize the little guys and give them that boost of confidence they need to find a home.
Boss Walks
Need to get some exercise? Our dogs do too. Come on down, in the early mornings and you can catch a “boss walk” happening. Grab a leash and a dog and go for an exhilarating 2 mile walk with a dog that is very grateful.
Dogs Playing for life
We have implemented the “Dogs Playing for Life” program here at the Sofia Center. This program was designed to help dogs learn social skills. Learning to play allows them to have the most amazing lives possible. At the same time they get to burn off some energy and reduce stress while waiting for new family to come along.